As a writer, my soul could probably derive 1,000 reasons why your website needs custom content; however, like any classically trained copywriter, I must narrow my conclusions. Below are three reasons why your website cannot make an impact on the web without custom written, original content.
1. Google
If you remember nothing from this blog, remember this one line: custom content increases your google ranking! The master search engine has a very complex computer system that specifically looks for original and relevant content. Google can tell if your content has not been updated in a while and it can see if, how dare you, copied content from another site. Bottom line: if you want your company’s website to make the first page on a Google search, you must have relevant custom content throughout your site that features keywords related to your market a.k.a. Search Engine Optimization informally known as SEO.
2. Consistency
Creating your site’s own custom content gives your brand consistency. When you (or a hired copywriter) construct original content for your site, it’s YOURS! And you can use said content any way you like. If you paid for great writing, it only makes sense that the text should be reusable for marketing campaigns, brochures, or even a commercial. The opportunities are endless, but the takeaway from this tip is not only to have custom content, but also to continue to reuse the content for brand consistency.3. Entertainment
So people have found your site through Google, they recognize the consistent text and logo, now you have to entertain and inform them to keep them on your page. Some companies think it is hard to get a person’s attention, but in reality the hard work is keeping their attention. (Hopefully I haven’t lost your attention.) It is vital to create informative, narrative and entertaining content to keep visitors in your site!Want to know more about custom content and further discuss how it can help your website? Usable Creative offers custom content and copywriting for print work, websites, blogs and more. Lets start a conversation today.