The internet consists of countless websites, many of which could serve as competition to your business. Many companies developed websites years ago and fail to maintain or update current websites. We certainly recommend revamping your site periodically simply to maintain your progressive appeal. Adding a page or website specifically designated to blogging could act as a way to increase web presence and stand apart from competitors.
The Importance of Blogging
Search engines currently categorize blogs as news because blogs contain new, original content. Blogsites set up separately from parent web sites can offer your customers an alternate avenue for connecting with your company online. Additionally, blogging serves as an effective means of alerting clients and customer of exclusive or time-sensitive offers. The more your company blogs, the more impact you make online. This means your company could reach more customers and effectively reach them with current information regarding your company.
Blogsite or Blogpage?
The appeal of adding blogs to your marketing repertoire should appeal to most business owners. If your company plans to blog daily, then we recommend developing an entire site devoted to blogging for you. Generating daily traffic through your blogsite will draw more users to your parent site and ideally the blogs will act to hook potential customers.
If your company prefers to dabble in the world of blogging with a once a month approach, then containing the blog to within the confines of the parent site is reasonable. Revamping your webpage to include blogs could act as an effective marketing tool and provide entertainment value for current and new customers alike. Content is king, so don’t hesitate to start retooling your website.
Site Shake Up
Considering how blogging could impact your company? At Usable Creative, we design mobile apps, websites, billboards, and provide an array of other services. Contact our web design and development offices by calling (337) 781-4731 or send us an email.